Welcome to your herd in the Midwest.

MACURH, the Midwest Affiliate of College and University Residence Halls is a student-run organization working to promote and improve student life on college and university campuses across the region. We aim to bring together students who live in residence halls on college campuses to share ideas, resources, and best practices to improve their residential communities.

Herd of cows in pasture.
How to become part of the MACURH herd

Is your institution looking to join a student organization that prides itself on leadership, education, growth, family, and tradition?

Learn more
Of the Month logo.
All things OTM

OTMs, or “Of the Months”, are a way to recognize the amazing things going on at your campus. This recognition starts on your campus level and can reach regional and NACURH levels.

Recognize someone
Regional Board of Directors.
Contact the regional board

The Regional Board of Directors is here for you! Feel free to reach out should you need any support, and we'll point you in the right direction.

Contact us

Our mission

Consistent with the Articles of Incorporation of NACURH Inc., the purpose of MACURH shall be to promote student intellectual, educational, cultural, physical, and social welfare; to design and facilitate programs and informational services; to provide an avenue for assisting students to achieve fuller participation in the life of the college community and to extend the influence and good name of our organization everywhere.

Learn more

Want your institution to be recognized on our social media? Fill out the form. All member schools are welcome to submit!

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You are part of the MACURH herd. Now, get to know some more people by letting us give you a shoutout on social media! Fill out the form below.

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Interested in
joining the herd?

A member from the Regional Board will reach out to you soon with more information about how to join. In the meantime, learn more about what we do!
MACURH official logo

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